
Split-Ring Torque Sensor
The SRTS enables measurement of position, velocity, and torque of a rotating system (e.g., actuator, motor, crankshaft, rotor, etc.) using two optical sensors and a single, custom-designed split-ring rather than the standard dual-ringed systems commonly used for similar applications. The split-ring is comprised of two structural arcs positioned in a concentric, coplanar relationship, wherein each arc is attached to a component capable of rotation (e.g., a lower leg and upper leg, where the SRTS acts as a knee). The two arcs contain indications or codes on their outer surfaces that are read by the optical sensors to determine the relative deflection of the structural arcs as they rotate.
The SRTS configuration discussed above is limited to 180-degree applications. The addition of a third structural arc and a third optical reader, however, would enable 360-degree functionality.
Tests have shown the SRTS has a high degree of tolerance to temperature differences and provides higher resolution measurements than competing technologies.