Virtual Events Archived
Join us to learn about this NASA-developed damage detection system that has potential applications in aircraft, military shelters, solar arrays, critical hardware enclosures, spacecraft, space habitats, inflatable structures, and smart garments.
Join us on March 16th to hear from representatives of Rosotics, Inc of Tempe, Arizona, about their hyper-efficient metal additive manufacturing solutions and their experience in licensing NASA technology.
Learn more about this reliable successor to the state-of-the-art spacecraft cabin atmosphere CO2 removal system that also has many down-to-earth applications.
On March 8, 2022, you can attend this free webinar to learn about a NASA-developed scalable, inexpensive tool and methodology to ascertain real-life computed tomography system performance for a wide range of industrial applications.
Join us to learn about NASA's new proprietary calibration method to quickly design and make predictable and repeatable gap-and-overlap defects when employing automated fiber placement machines.
Learn about NASA technology licensee Stratodynamics Inc. and their work towards providing high altitude flight services for global clients and collaborators requiring remote earth observations or in-situ monitoring.
On February 15th, 2022, Dr. Timothy Smith will give an in-depth talk on a newly developed additively manufactured alloy that is tailored for high-temperature applications. Register for this free event to attend and ask questions.
Register now to learn about this novel rapid processing method that produces stronger materials, and heals lower-quality fibers.
During this event, NASA Ames researchers will give brief presentations about several technologies that could have major impacts on the aerospace industry, and take questions from the audience.
Join us to learn more about this water-processing technology that offers significant advantages over typical closed-loop systems.