Fast and widely tunable monolithic optical parametric oscillator for laser spectrometer
Fast and widely tunable monolithic optical parametric oscillator for laser spectrometer (GSC-TOPS-208)
Provides simpler and faster tunable laser without losing alignment.
For remote sensing spectrometers, wavelength-scanned laser emissions are used to capture the absorption spectrum of targets to perform measurement of soil and/or gas. Previous techniques to accomplish these measurements have involved combining multiple fixed wavelength lasers to detect a single species, limiting the scope and effectiveness of the instruments. This new technology alleviates this problem.
The Technology
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center has developed a faster and widely-tunable monolithic optical parametric oscillator for use in laser spectrometers. This technology provides a continuously-tunable spectrum across any target, adding flexibility to the overall instrument. In addition, only 1 nonlinear crystal and oscillator pump source are used, greatly simplifying the spectrometer system.

- Multiple operational modes
- Fewer components and less maintenance
- High tuning capability
- Remote sensing
- Laser spectroscopy
- Gas analysis
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