Direction of Arrival Estimation Signal of Opportunity Receiver

Direction of Arrival Estimation Signal of Opportunity Receiver (GSC-TOPS-248)
A multichannel VHF receiver for CubeSat platforms used to maximize antenna gain in a desired direction and minimize antenna gain in other directions
Microwave remote sensing of Earth science parameters (such as soil moisture, ice thickness, ocean wind speed etc.) is currently performed using active microwave radars or passive microwave radiometers. For true global measurement, these radar and radiometers needs to be deployed in low earth orbit (LEO) or geostationary orbit (GEO). However, for achieving reasonable spatial resolution and temporal resolution, these remote sensing instruments become complex and expensive to deploy in LEO/GEO. In order to reduce mission cost and deployment time, there is a need for alternative techniques which are based on using already existing EM signals transmitted by communication transmitters. Currently, the transceiver used for small satellite applications use antennas that are omnidirectional. These receivers will indiscriminately receive signals incident from all directions and will not have capability to suppress RF signals incident from unwanted directions. The Direction of Arrival Estimation Signal of Opportunity Receiver maximizes antenna gain in a desired direction to maximize desired signal and suppress unwanted signals.

The Technology
The Direction of Arrival Estimation Signal of Opportunity Receiver is a transceiver technology for small satellite and CubeSat platforms that enables maximization of antenna gain in a specific direction to receive desired signals and suppress signals from other directions. The receive is a four-channel transceiver system to be operating in a LEO orbit for receiving direct as well as reflected signal (signals reflected from the ground) of a communication satellite. An adaptive array processing is implemented to steer the receiver beam towards the GEO satellites as well as steer the antenna beam towards the ground. When the beam is steered towards the ground the receiver provides attenuation for the direct signal incident from the GEO satellite, thus isolating the reflected signal from the strong direct signal. Usually a simple pair of cross dipoles are used for receiving signals transmitted by communication satellites. One pair is used to receive direct signals and another pair is used receive reflected signals. These dipoles are ideally supposed to receive only the reflected signals from the ground. However, because of close proximity and strong coupling to each other through their mutual coupling and because of their broad beam patterns, these dipole antennas receive signals reflected from other targets, as well as the direct transmitted signal. Since the strength of direct signals will be above the strength of reflected signals, reflected signals typically are completely masked by the strong direct signals. The Direction of Arrival Estimation Signal of Opportunity Receiver maximizes antenna gain in a desired direction to maximize desired signal and suppress unwanted signals.
Hurricane Dorian Seen From Aboard the Space Station. Former Goddard electrical engineer and current NASA astronaut Christina Koch snapped this image of Hurricane Dorian from the International Space Station during a flyover on Monday, September 2, 2019. The station orbits more than 200 miles above the Earth.
  • Low energy requirement
  • Compact in size and low weight

  • Global remote sensing
  • CubeSat/SmallSat communication
Technology Details

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Figure 1.  Antenna Design.
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