Synthesis and Development of Polyurethane Coatings Containing Fluorine Groups for Adhesive Applications

materials and coatings
Synthesis and Development of Polyurethane Coatings Containing Fluorine Groups for Adhesive Applications (LAR-TOPS-272)
Contaminant resistant coatings for extreme environments
Accumulation of insect strikes on the leading edge of airplane wings is a more serious problem than one might realize. Depending on the magnitude, such accumulation changes the aerodynamic characteristics of the wing causing a change from laminar to turbulent flow and resulting in decreased lift and increased drag. Overall, this also results in decreased fuel efficiency. According to a study published in 1950, the drag coefficient measured on an aircraft wing was determined to increase as much as 100%. Although much work has been done to mitigate this problem. Proposed solutions include elastic surfaces, coatings, soluble films, and fluid covers. Each of these approaches had significant drawbacks.

The Technology
Coatings offer an advantage over previous strategies due to ease of application, potentially negligible weight penalty, reduced environmental concerns, better economics, and continual function throughout the flight profile. In this present innovation, a particular coating has been developed that is similar to the basic component of a majority of aerospace coatings used on commercial aircraft. This coating was then sprayed from a solvent on various substrates. Once spray-coated on a substrate and dried, the coatings were then tested for adhesion mitigation of insect residues in a controlled insect impact facility propelled toward the engineered surface at approximately 150 mph. Once impacted, these coatings demonstrated hydrophobicity and a significant reduction in contaminant adhesion. The coatings were further tested in an operational environment on the eco-demonstrator Boeing 757 aircraft. The coatings resulted in lower insect accumulation than the control surface (no coating). The durability of these coatings was comparable to state-of-the-art formulations and satisfies current aircraft manufacturing requirements. These coatings likely have advantageous use in aerospace applications, wind turbine systems, and automotive industry, among other industries. This innovation not only appears to solve a problem that has persisted, thus fulfilling an unmet need, but also comprises a new composition of matter that can lead to numerous unforeseen applications.
insect residue NASA Tests Aircraft Wing Coatings that Slough Bug Guts
  • Elegant solution fulfills an unmet need
  • Adds little weight
  • Cost effective
  • Saves fuel
  • Improves flight safety

  • Reduction of insect impact residue on aircraft
  • Prevention of insect adhesion on automotive windshields
  • Anti-soiling coatings
  • Improved weather ability of building exteriors
  • Stain & corrosion resistance
Technology Details

materials and coatings
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Passenger Airplane
Real-Time Drag Opti-mization Control Framework
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Sourced from Shutterstock purchase 760625068
Improved Fixed-Wing Gust Load Alleviation Device
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Wing shaping Control with Variable Camber
Green aviation - improved aerodynamic efficiency and less fuel burn
Currently, as fuel is burned, wing loading is reduced, thereby causing the wing shape to bend and twist. This wing-shape change causes the wings to be less aerodynamically efficient. This problem can be further exacerbated by modern high-aspect flexible wing design. Aircraft designers typically address the fuel efficiency goal by reducing aircraft weights, improving propulsion efficiency, and/or improving the aerodynamics of aircraft wings passively. In so doing, the potential drag penalty due to changes in the wing shapes still exists at off-design conditions. The unique or novel features of the new concepts are: 1. Variable camber flap provides the same lift capability for lower drag as compared to a conventional flap. The variable camber trailing edge flap (or leading edge slat) comprises multiple chord-wise segments (three or more) to form a cambered flap surface, and multiple span-wise segments to form a continuous trailing edge (or leading edge) curve with no gaps which could be prescribed by a mathematical function or the equivalent with boundary conditions enforced at the end points to minimize tip vortices 2. Continuous trailing edge flap (or leading edge slat) provides a continuously curved trailing edge (or leading edge) with no gaps to minimize vortices that can lead to an increase in drag. 3. The active wing-shaping control method utilizes the novel flap (or slat) concept described herein to change a wing shape to improve aerodynamic efficiency by optimizing span-wise aerodynamics. 4. An aeroelastic wing shaping method for analyzing wing deflection shape under aerodynamic loading is used in a wing-control algorithm to compute a desired command for the flap-actuation system to drive the present flap (or slat) system to the correct position for wing shaping.
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