Apparatus and Method for Biofeedback Training

health medicine and biotechnology
Apparatus and Method for Biofeedback Training (LAR-TOPS-289)
Virtual reality / Augmented reality / Mixed reality implementation of method and apparatus for performance optimization through perturbation of task virtual elements
The technology combines virtual reality (VR) with a real environment. The VR provides sensory feedback. If performance is not optimal, the environment is disruptive. If optimal, the environment is stable / normal. The system is to provide feedback to train for self-regulation (e.g. relax on command) when performing tasks. Brainwave activity modulates augmented reality (AR), then once the action is taken, then VR takes over. Mental training is made objective by physiological measures.

The Technology
Measured values of physiological signals may be associated with physiological states and may be used to define the presence of such states. For example, in a physiological state of anxiety, adrenaline diverts blood from the body surface to the core of the body in response to a perceived danger. As warm blood is withdrawn from the surface of the skin, the skin temperature drops. Similarly, in a physiological state of stress, perspiration generally increases making the skin more conductive to the passage of an electrical current, thereby increasing the galvanic skin response. It is well known in the field of performance psychology that the peak performance of a task, such as, for example, putting in golf, foul shooting in basketball, serving in tennis, marksmanship in archery or on a gunnery range, shooting pool, or throwing darts, requires the presence of a physiological state, comprising one or more optimal measured values of physiological signals, coincident with the physical performance of the task. The presence of such an optimal physiological state in athletics is colloquially referred to as being in the zone. The technology provides: an apparatus and method of performance-enhancing biofeedback training that has intuitive and motivational appeal to the trainee, by tightly embedding the biofeedback training in the actual task whose performance is to be improved; and, an apparatus and method of performance-enhancing biofeedback training that is operational in real-time, precisely at the moment when a task or exercise, such as an athletic or military maneuver, is required to be performed. The feedback behavior of the physical environment provided by the present invention has the added benefit of providing aids to visualization that the trainee can use in the real-world skill performance setting.
Player preparing to practice putt wearing the VRZONE headset. In VRZONE, the player sees a virtual reality rendering of this view of the physical ZONE system. Image Credit: NASA
  • Employs advanced technology (Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality / Mixed Reality) in training regimen
  • Incorporates physiological monitoring for objective measurement / comparison

  • Simulations and video games
  • Police / military training
Technology Details

health medicine and biotechnology
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Brain Waves
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