Anode Manifold Plug for Hall Effect Thrusters

Anode Manifold Plug for Hall Effect Thrusters (LEW-TOPS-159)
Method of Manufacturing Precision Flow Restrictor Features
Innovators at NASAs Glenn Research Center have developed a suite of small spacecraft electric propulsion (SSEP) technologies critical to enabling new, ambitious missions into deep space. Advanced SSEP technologies are based on the use of exceptionally fuel-efficient electrostatic Hall effect thrusters with optimized magnetic shielding, achieving massive reductions in propellant mass relative to traditional chemical propulsion systems. NASAs low-power, high-throughput SSEP technology dramatically increases the capabilities of small spacecraft while maximizing reliability and reducing launch costs. The Anode Manifold Plug for Hall Effect Thrusters technology is available for licensing on its own, or as a component of NASAs SSEP technology suite, which is available to U.S. companies through a no-cost, non-exclusive license agreement and companion Space Act Agreement. Click the LEW-TOPS-162: Small Spacecraft Electric Propulsion (SSEP) Technologies link in the Additional Information section for details.

The Technology
Flow-restricting features in a Hall thruster anode manifold assembly, typically precision manufactured orifices, can contribute to significant flow non-uniformity if tolerances on the features are not properly controlled. Non-uniformity in flow distribution negatively impacts thruster performance. The anode assembly is usually a complex and expensive assembly to manufacture. Removing the flow restricting elements from the anode manifold structure in favor of modular insertable subcomponents (i.e., plugs) enables the use of more reliable and repeatable precision manufacturing techniques. The resulting components can be tested, characterized, and sorted for acceptance before being installed into the larger anode assembly (i.e., quality control can be performed at the subcomponent level). This may lead to increased performance and yield rate of the final assembly. The flow restrictor plugs can be made in many different ways. The most basic flow restrictor takes the form of a precision hole machined into a cylinder, where the cylinder is then press fit into a hole drilled into the anode base. Alternate embodiments of the flow restrictor include precision machined nozzles, laminar flow elements, or sintered porous metal elements. The flow restrictor can also be made from a different material than the anode base, such as a precision ruby orifice contained in a metal carrier which is installed in a metal anode base. The plugs can be installed in a variety of ways, all of which create hermetic seals. Installation can include a press fit relying on plastic deformation or threading the plug component into the anode base. Welding on the top surface of the anode base can also be done to provide a robust hermetic seal.
A preferred embodiment of an anode manifold is shown, including laser welded orifice plugs. Orifice plugs may be fabricated from a wide range of materials (for example sintered porous material) and evaluated prior to insertion in the anode assembly, ensuring final anode assemblies provide uniform propellant delivery.
  • Provides better quality final products: access to additional methods of quality control that are potentially more accurate and can be used earlier in the fabricatiopn process to improve final anode assemblies
  • Offers customizable anodes: allows the use of alternative manufacturing techniques to achieve the desired flow control performance
  • Enables alternative methods of manufacture: this new flow restrictor plug method offers the ability to use materials for flow elements that might not traditionally be used in hall thruster anodes

  • Aerospace: anode manifold assemblies for Hall effect thrusters applicable to both low and higher power thrusters
  • Commercial space: small satellite constellations, station keeping, orbit raising, spacecraft servicing, missions beyond Low Earth Orbit/ Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbit
Technology Details

LEW-TOPS-162: Small Spacecraft Electric Propulsion (SSEP) Technology Suite

Development of a High-Propellant Throughput Small Spacecraft Electric Propulsion System to Enable Lower Cost NASA Science Missions, Benavides, Gabriel F., et al, August 19, 2019
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High Propellant Throughput Small Spacecraft Electric Propulsion Thruster
NASAs High Propellant Throughput Small Spacecraft Electric Propulsion thruster offers a propellant throughput capability of greater than 120 kg with a nominal thruster efficiency greater than 50%. The new thruster design combines heritage Hall thruster component design approaches with recent NASA GRC advancements in the areas of advanced magnetic circuit design, robust propellant manifolds, and center mounted cathodes. Prototypes of the High Propellant Throughput Small Spacecraft Electric Propulsion thruster have been fabricated and proof-of-concept has been demonstrated. A significant advancement in the High Propellant Throughput Small Spacecraft Electric Propulsion thruster is NASA's optimized magnetically shielded (OMS) field topology. The new OMS configuration reduces discharge channel erosion rates compared to conventional Hall thrusters, while reducing front pole cover erosion rates compared to traditional magnetically shielded Hall thrusters. This system also includes a largely unibody structure to reduce fabrication cost, increase strength, and optimize thermal management. A coupling plate between the high voltage discharge channel and low voltage thruster body allows more efficient thruster assembly and verification processes. Other design advancements further simplify assembly, improve robustness, and optimize performance.
Small Spacecraft Electric Propulsion (SSEP) Technology Suite
Innovators at GRC have developed a suite of SSEP technologies for small, low-power spacecraft using Hall effect thrusters including a high propellant throughput small spacecraft electric propulsion thruster (LEW-TOPS-158), a power processing unit for SSEP (LEW-TOPS-157), an anode manifold plug for Hall effect thrusters (LEW-TOPS-159), and additional Hall effect technologies (LEW-TOPS-34). See the Additional Information section at the bottom of the page for more information on each technology suite component. GRC is making these technologies available to U.S. companies through a no-cost*, non-exclusive license agreement and companion Space Act Agreement. Licensees may receive a comprehensive package of design and process documents including issued and pending patents, design drawings, materials specifications, and test data. Licensees will assist in defining system requirements and creating new platforms to use the SSEP technologies. This streamlined, collaborative commercialization strategy helps satisfy NASA exploration and science mission requirements while improving U.S. competitiveness in the global electric propulsion market and improving the success of new electric propulsion developments. Working alongside our licensees, GRC hopes to generate a compendium of SSEP knowledge as a living document, maintained by all users in a consortia-like environment. *Although the license and Space Act Agreement are no cost to the licensees, licensees would be responsible for setting up and maintaining an EAR restricted file sharing space.
Power Processing Unit (PPU) for Small Spacecraft Electric Propulsion
Key subsystems of a scalable PPU for low-power Hall effect electric propulsion have been developed and demonstrated at NASA GRC. The PPU conditions and supplies power to the thruster and propellant flow control (PFC) components. It operates from an input voltage of 24 to 34 VDC to be compatible with typical small spacecraft with 28 V unregulated power systems. The PPU provides fault protection to protect the PPU, thruster, PFC components, and spacecraft. It is scalable to accommodate various power and operational requirements of low-power Hall effect thrusters. An important subsystem of a PPU is the discharge supply, which processes up to 95% of the power in the PPU and must process high voltage to accelerate thrust generating plasma. Each discharge power module in this PPU design is capable of processing up to 500 W of power and output up to 400 VDC. A full-bridge topology operating at switching frequency 50 kHz is used with a lightweight foil transformer. Two or more modules can operate in parallel to scale up the discharge power as required. Output voltage and current regulation controls allow for any of the common thruster start-up modes (hard, soft or glow).
Hall Thruster
Hall Effect Thruster Technologies
Used for propelling Earth-orbiting satellites and deep-space robotic vehicles, the HET gets its name because it traps electrons with an intense radial magnetic field in an azimuthal Hall current moving around the circumference of an annular ceramic channel. The electrons in the circulating Hall current ionize the onboard propellant - the inert gas xenon - and create an ionized plasma. The xenon plasma is then accelerated axially, via an applied electric field along the coaxial channel, to an exit velocity of up to 65,000 miles per hour to produce thrust. The interaction of the accelerated plasma and the downstream edge of the channel, where the plasma is the most energetic, results in erosion of the surrounding magnetic system used to generate the plasma. One of NASA Glenn's novel designs relies on an azimuthally symmetric configuration that minimizes radial magnetic fields at the discharge chamber walls. This configuration completely shields the walls of the discharge chamber from the high-energy plasma ions. With regard to the discharge-channel-wall replacement innovation, an actuator can be configured to extend the discharge chamber along the centerline axis. The actuator can be either mechanical or programmable. In either case, the sleeve can be extended while an upstream portion of the discharge chamber remains stationary, thereby preventing plasma exposure. These novel designs increase the efficiency and extend the lifetime of the HET to five times that of unshielded thrusters, enabling a new era of space missions.
Annular Ion Engine
The advantages displayed by Glenn's AIE stem from a number of novel design concepts, centered on an annular discharge chamber with a set of annular ion optics. The annular discharge chamber increases the effective anode surface area for electron collection as compared to a conventional cylindrically shaped ion thruster of equivalent beam area. With this increased surface area, the AIE can operate at higher discharge currents and therefore high beam currents, thereby yielding a significantly increased (3x) thrust density. An annular-geometry flat electrode can be added to enable higher-perveance designs with even higher thrust densities, with improved F/P and efficiencies compared to more conventional, spherically domed electrodes. In addition, Glenn's design allows the neutralizer cathode assembly (NCA) to be placed in a central position within the annulus, which not only eliminates the cantilevered-outboard NCA used in most conventional ion thrusters but also enables a shared gimbal platform. These benefits make manufacturing the AIE simpler as well as allowing more compact engine designs. All of these advantages add up to an electric propulsion machine that yields superior performance over the entire Isp range, making the AIE attractive for next-generation SEP vehicles. Glenn's technological advance enables spacecraft to travel farther, faster, and more cheaply than with any other propulsion technology - with clear benefits for NASA and commercial space applications.
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