FACET: Future Air Traffic Management Concepts Evaluation Tool
FACET: Future Air Traffic Management Concepts Evaluation Tool (TOP2-109)
Comprehensive software eases air traffic management
The NASA Ames Research Center offers the opportunity to license FACET, a flexible software tool for air traffic management. With thousands of planes flying overhead in the U.S. at any given time, there is an urgent need for tools that help avoid air traffic incidents and delays. To help air traffic control centers improve airline safety and efficiency, NASA developed FACET, a system software for performing powerful computational simulations for evaluating advanced concepts of air-traffic management. It includes a program that generates a graphical user interface plus programs and databases that implement computational models of weather, airspace, airports, navigation aids, aircraft performance, and aircraft trajectories.
The Technology
Actual air traffic data and weather information are utilized to evaluate an aircrafts flight-plan route and predict its trajectories for the climb, cruise, and descent phases. The dynamics for heading (the direction the aircraft nose is pointing) and airspeed are also modeled by the FACET software, while performance parameters, such as climb/descent rates and speeds and cruise speeds, can also be obtained from data tables. The resulting trajectories and traffic flow data are presented in a 3-D graphical user interface. The FACET software is modular and is written in the Java and C programming languages. Notable FACET applications include reroute conformance monitoring algorithms that have been implemented in one of the Federal Aviation Administrations nationally deployed, real-time operational systems.

- Effectively decreases airline accidents via routing
- Highly efficient - FACET can swiftly generate as many as 15,000 aircraft trajectories on a single desktop or laptop computer
- Easy to use - trajectories and traffic flow data presented in a 3-D graphical user interface
- Air traffic management
- Development of enhanced flightrouting strategies for saving fuel, perserving airline schedules, and reducing passenger delays and missed connections
Similar Results

Mitigating Risk in Commercial Aviation Operations
NASA’s newly developed software leverages flight operations data (e.g., SWIM Terminal Data Distribution System (STDDS) information), and with it, can predict aviation related risks, such as unstable approaches of flights. To do this, the software inputs the complex, multi-source STDDS data, and outputs novel prediction and outcome information.
The software converts the relatively inaccessible SWIM data from its native format that is not data science friendly into a format easily readable by most programs. The converted, model friendly data are then input into machine learning algorithms to enable risk prediction capabilities. The backend software sends the machine learning algorithm results to the front end software to display the results in appropriate user interfaces. These user interfaces can be deployed on different platforms including mobile phones and desktop computers and efficiently update models based on changes in the data.
To allow for visualization, the software uses a commercially available mapping API. The data are visualized in several different ways, including a heat map layer that shows the risk score, with higher risk in areas of higher flight density, a polyline layer, which shows flight paths, and markers that can indicate a flight’s location in real time, among other things. The related patent is now available to license. Please note that NASA does not manufacturer products itself for commercial sale.

Flight Awareness Collaboration Tool (FACT)
The Flight Awareness Collaboration Tool (FACT) user interface is a quad design with four areas. The Primary Map View shows the US with several traffic and weather overlays. The Surface Map View displays the selected airport with information on runway conditions and other factors. The Information View has specific data from various sources about the area of interest. This view also has a built-in algorithm that predicts the impact of the forecast winter weather on airport capacity. The Communication View supports messaging within the geographically-dispersed team that is using FACT. When an airport is selected in the Primary Map View, the information presented in the Surface Map and Information Views is focused on that choice.
FACT is a web-based application using Node.js and MongoDB. It receives Java messages from the Federal Aviation Administration System Wide Information Management (SWIM) data repository. Data acquired from web pages and SWIM are tailored for FACTs Information View area. FACT is designed to reside on an existing workstation monitor to be put into use as needed.

Method and System for Air Traffic Rerouting for Air-space Constraint Resolution
National Airspace System (NAS) Constraint Evaluation and Notification Tool (NASCENT) employs a NAS-wide simulation and analysis infrastructure that implements airspace constraint avoidance algorithms for efficient routing. NASCENT uses NASA-developed aircraft performance tables for computing climb, cruise, and descent trajectories. Reference routes are created that save more than a user-specified number (e.g., five) minutes of flying-time savings. The return capture fix for the reference route is the last fix on the current flight plan within a limit region (derived using this patented technology). A Maneuver Start Point is selected to allow time for coordination of the reroute with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). These routes are checked against the weather polygons, FAA denoted Special Use Airspaces (e.g., Military Operations Areas) and Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs); and additional waypoints are added to avoid these airspace constraints. The wind-corrected flying-time savings are reported for each flight. The polygons are first converted into convex hulls and inflated by a user-specified number of nautical miles (e.g., 20, for weather) to account for the FAA requirements. Lateral and/or vertical advisories are created using a binary tree search along the left-side and right-side, up to the return capture fix, to find a minimum-deviation delay solution. The NASCENT system provides notification for congested sectors along the current flight plan and the proposed avoidance route, along with flights impacted by FAA imposed required Traffic Management Initiatives (TMIs, reroutes, Ground Delay Programs, etc.). The reroutes can be implemented with no changes required to the current FAA operational infrastructure.

Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Traffic Management
NASA Ames has developed an Autonomous Situational Awareness Platform system for a UAS (ASAP-U), a traffic management system to incorporate Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) into the National Airspace System. The Autonomous Situational Awareness Platform (ASAP) is a system that combines existing navigation technology (both aviation and maritime) with new procedures to safely integrate Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) with other airspace vehicles. It uses a module called ASAP-U, which includes a transmitter, receivers, and various links to other UAS systems. The module collects global positioning system GPS coordinates and time from a satellite antenna, and this data is fed to the UAS's flight management system for navigation. The ASAP-U module autonomously and continuously sends UAS information via a radio frequency (RF) antenna using Self-Organized Time Division Multiple Access (SOTDMA) to prevent signal overlap. It also receives ASAP data from other aircraft. In case of transmission overload, priority is given to closer aircraft. Additionally, the module can receive weather data, navigational aid data, terrain data, and updates to the UAS flight plan. The collected data is relayed to the flight management system, which includes various databases and a navigation computer to calculate necessary flight plan modifications based on regulations, right-of-way rules, terrain, and geofencing. Conflicts are checked against databases, and if none are found, the flight plan is implemented. If conflicts arise, modifications can be made. The ASAP-U module continuously receives and transmits data, including UAS data and data from other aircraft, to detect conflicts with other aircraft, terrain, weather, and geofencing. Based on this information, the flight management system determines the need for course adjustments and the flight control system executes them for a safe flight route.

Traffic Aware Strategic Aircrew Requests (TASAR)
The NASA software application developed under the TASAR project is called the Traffic Aware Planner (TAP). TAP automatically monitors for flight optimization opportunities in the form of lateral and/or vertical trajectory changes. Surveillance data of nearby aircraft, using ADS-B IN technology, are processed to evaluate and avoid possible conflicts resulting from requested changes in the trajectory. TAP also leverages real-time connectivity to external information sources, if available, of operational data relating to winds, weather, restricted airspace, etc., to produce the most acceptable and beneficial trajectory-change solutions available at the time. The software application is designed for installation on low-cost Electronic Flight Bags that provide read-only access to avionics data. The user interface is also compatible with the popular iPad. FAA certification and operational approval requirements are expected to be minimal for this non-safety-critical flight-efficiency application, reducing implementation cost and accelerating adoption by the airspace user community.
Awarded "2016 NASA Software of the Year"