Mitigating Risk in Commercial Aviation Operations
Mitigating Risk in Commercial Aviation Operations (LAR-TOPS-384)
Predictive machine learning algorithms using flight operations data
Researchers at the NASA Langley Research Center have invented a software based on machine learning algorithms that uses data from over 200 airports and over 400 individual systems to predict aviation related risks. One source of the National Airspace System (NAS)’s flight operations data is available from the System Wide Information Management (SWIM) program which are not adequately leveraged due to their relative inaccessibility and the lack of software to collate and interpret the information. The new NASA software can transform the data into a usable form, then support real-time dispatchers guiding aircraft approaches and departures through the developed machine learning models. This has the potential to improve safety within commercial aviation terminal area operations, which will be especially pertinent as the number of flights per day increases. This software may also be leveraged to manage autonomous flight activity.
The Technology
NASA’s newly developed software leverages flight operations data (e.g., SWIM Terminal Data Distribution System (STDDS) information), and with it, can predict aviation related risks, such as unstable approaches of flights. To do this, the software inputs the complex, multi-source STDDS data, and outputs novel prediction and outcome information.
The software converts the relatively inaccessible SWIM data from its native format that is not data science friendly into a format easily readable by most programs. The converted, model friendly data are then input into machine learning algorithms to enable risk prediction capabilities. The backend software sends the machine learning algorithm results to the front end software to display the results in appropriate user interfaces. These user interfaces can be deployed on different platforms including mobile phones and desktop computers and efficiently update models based on changes in the data.
To allow for visualization, the software uses a commercially available mapping API. The data are visualized in several different ways, including a heat map layer that shows the risk score, with higher risk in areas of higher flight density, a polyline layer, which shows flight paths, and markers that can indicate a flight’s location in real time, among other things. The related patent is now available to license. Please note that NASA does not manufacturer products itself for commercial sale.

- Safety improvement: Improves takeoff and landing safety of aircrafts, particularly in a commercial setting.
- Safety improvement: Can provide real-time risk predictions
- Safety improvement: Supports the build-out of safety management system capabilities
- Data visualization: Outputs visuals and information that are easy to interpret
- Data processing: Able to handle data fusion, inputs from multiple sources, across the National Airspace System
- Aviation: Risk mitigation for commercial aviation operators
- Aviation: Risk mitigation for autonomous flight operations
- Software development: A platform for a safety management system
Technology Details
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