NASA’s Shape Memory Materials Database Is Now Available for Free to the Public

Othmane Benafan
NASA Materials Research Engineer Othmane Benafan, Ph.D

Scientists, researchers, and academics around the world now have access to a vast collection of shape memory materials information in a new single source tool.

NASA Materials Research Engineer Othmane Benafan, Ph.D., publicly debuted the new Shape Memory Materials Database (SMMD) Tool during a recent webinar on April 26th, 2022. You can watch a recording of the presentation and the demonstration of the SMMA database here.

The SMMD tool provides one-stop access to an extensive collection of shape memory materials information in a single source. The collection provides insight into actuation properties, structural performance, chemical data, and processing records relevant to shape memory alloys, polymers, and ceramics.

The data is organized in a 2D and 3D platform allowing users to easily see and gain immediate access to insights and trends with only a few clicks. All data points are traceable to the original source to verify findings and provide a link to researchers in the scientific community.

Dr. Benafan is confident that the SMMD tool will be a comprehensive source for anyone interested in shape memory materials. The applications for the SMMD tool are as expansive as the tool itself. "Not only do we want to share this information with the world," said Dr. Benafan, of NASA Glenn Research Center, "we want to unleash the power of shape memory data science to learn, explore, and discover, and users can be part of it too."

NASA holds many patents in Shape Memory Materials that are available for licensing. They can be found in NASA's Patent Portfolio. Check out the links below to read about each of them.

Shape Memory Alloy Rock Splitters (SMARS)

Spanwise Adaptive Wing

Shape Memory Alloy with Adjustable, Wide-Ranging Actuation Temperatures

Shape Memory Alloy Mechanisms for CubeSats

Shape Memory Alloy Art (SMArt)

Shape Memory Alloy (SMA)-Enabled Actuators

To browse NASA's entire portfolio, please click here

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