
Front image
Closed Ecological System Network Data Collection, Analysis, Control, and Optimization System
The technology relates generally to controlled ecosystems, and more particularly, to a Controlled Closed-Ecosystem Development System (CCEDS) that can be used to develop designs for sustainable, small-scale reproductions of subsets of the Earths biosphere and the Orbiting Modular Artificial-Gravity Spacecraft (OMAGS). The technology encompassing a CCEDS includes one or more a Closed Ecological Systems (CESs), each having one or more Controlled Ecosystem Modules (CESMs). Each CESM can have a biome containing at least one organism, and equipment comprising one or more of sensors, actuators, or components that are associated with the biome. A controller operates the equipment to effect transfer of material among CESMs to optimize one or more CESM biomes with respect to their organism population health, resilience, variety, quantities, biomass, and sustainability. A CES is a community of organisms and their resources that persist in a sealed volume such that mass is not added or removed. The mass (food/air/water) required by the CES organisms is continually recycled from the mass (waste) produced by the organisms. Energy and information may be transferred to and from a CES. CES research promises to become a significant resource for the resolution of global ecology problems which have thus far been experimentally inaccessible and may very well prove an invaluable resource for predicting the probable ecological consequences of anthropogenic materials on regional ecosystems. In order to create CESs that are orders of magnitude smaller than the Earth that can function without the Earth, the desired gravity level and necessary radiation shielding must be provided by other means. Orbiting Modular Artificial-Gravity Spacecraft (OMAGS) is a fractional gravity spacecraft design for CES payloads and is depicted in Figures below. In tandem, the CCEDS and OMAGS systems can be used to foster gravitational ecosystem research for developing sustainable communities in space and on Earth.
Electrical and Electronics
Enhanced DC Bus Emulator
Combining a dynamic load emulation technique with a PWM dithering technique, NASA’s technology provides a more efficient, cost-effective, and practical method to emulate complex loads. While there are commercially available electronic device loads on the market that meet basic emulation needs, these devices are limited; they are limited with respect to small input voltage changes, and to feedback signals from the device’s power system, which may lack the strength and resolution needed to emulate accurately. A common solution for the bus emulation limitation is to construct a model of an actual microgrid using representative loads and connections. But this can be complex, costly, and have limitations in performance. NASA’s approach addresses these challenges without creating an actual model microgrid to replicate the systems. As opposed to stand-alone COTS electronic load devices or model microgrids using representative loads and connections for a given test, NASA’s technology is a system constructed of an input power filter, a COTS electronic load device or load subsystem, and a power control circuit. The input power filter is designed to emulate load or bus performance at the medium to high frequency range. The power control circuit combined with the electronic load or load subsystem emulates lower frequency and constant power dynamics of the system. Lastly, the power control circuit linearizes digitization and quantization issues present with digitally controlled COTS electronic loads. The power control circuit can be set to measure a load voltage, which is divided by a determined value for power, and combined with a triangle wave dither (the power control circuit block image demonstrates how to integrate a triangle wave dither). This dither dynamically adjusts the electrical current or power to keep it constant within the commercially purchased load device, enabling accurate emulation of complex DC microgrid systems.
health medicine and biotechnology
Bio-Med stock image
Ionic Magnetic Resonance Tailors Animal Cells/Tissues
The apparatus comprises a randomized gravity vector multiphasic culture system with a self-feeding growth module, an optionally disposable nutrient module, and a removable AIMR chamber that delivers a pulsating multivariant field to the contents of the culture system. It produces overlapping or fluctuating alternating ionic magnetic resonance frequencies at one or more modal intervals ranging from about 7.8 Hz to about 59.9 Hz to the cell chamber. The apparatus may yield better regulation that can be manipulated to allow for increased rate of cell growth, faster differentiation, increased cell fidelity, and the induction or suppression of selective physiological genes involved in directing cellular differentiation and dedifferentiation. The use of an AIMR field may provide a significant improvement over existing bioreactors, including pulsating electromagnetic field (PEMF) and time-variance electromagnetic field (TVEMF) cellular growth induced systems, in that AIMR incorporates the modulation of cellular transcription. The AIMR system utilizes pre-sterilized disposable modules and a removable alternating ionic magnetic resonance chamber, reducing the hazard for contamination, allowing scientists to implement physiological and homeostatic parameters similar to a naturally occurring physiological system.
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