
Stronger Plug for Friction Pull Plug Welding of Thick Plates
Friction Pull Plug Welding (FPPW) is the process necessary to plug the hole that is left behind as a friction stir weld (FSW) joint is completed and the pin tool of the welder retracts from the joint. FPPW involves a small, rotating part (plug) being spun and simultaneously pulled (forged) into a hole in a larger part. Much work has been done to fully understand and characterize the process and its limitations. FPPW worked very well for building large rocket sections such as the circumferential welds of the upper stages of NASA's Ares rocket, and to repair the external tank. Engineers were challenged to adapt FPPW to accommodate the thicker plates new alloy combinations of the SLS. The new hybrid plug solves the issue of the plugs snapping due to the increase torsion and moment stresses when joining thicker plates. The new hybrid plug, with a steel shank, makes FPPW more practical and robust. The new plug has been used to make space-qualified parts at NASA, and the plug welds are as strong as initial welds.
Mechanical and Fluid Systems

Microfluidics Pressure-Based Switching and Valving Array
The innovative technology from Ames acts as a microfluidics switch array, using combinations of pressure and flow conditions to achieve specific logic states that determine the sequences of sample movement between microfluidic wells. This advancement will enable automation of complex laboratory techniques not possible with earlier microfluidics technologies that are designed to follow predetermined flow paths and well targets. This novel method also enables autonomous operations including changing the flow paths and targeting well configurations in situ based on measured data decision parameters. This microfluidic system can be reconfigured for use in various experimental applications, requiring only an adjustment of the programmed pressure sequencing, reducing the need for custom design and development for each new application. For example, this technology could provide the ability to selectively constrain or move biological specimens in the experimental wells, allowing evolutionary studies of model organisms in response to various stressors, evaluation of different growth conditions on biological production of antibodies or other small molecule therapeutics, among other potential applications. Likewise, this platform can be used to foster time-dependent, step-wise, chemical reactions, which could be used for novel chemical processes or in situ resource utilization.

Fully Automated High-Throughput Additive Manufacturing
The technology is a method to increase automation of Additive Manufacturing (AM) through augmentation of the Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) process. It can significantly increase the speed of 3D printing by automating the removal of printed components from the build platform without the need for additional hardware, which increases printing throughput. The method can also be leveraged to perform automated object testing and characterization. The method includes embedding into the manufacturing instructions methods to fabricate directly onto the build platform an actuator tool, such as a linear spring. The deposition head can be leveraged as a robotic manipulator of the actuator tool to bend, cock, and release the linear spring to strike the target manufactured object and move it off the build platform of the machine they were manufactured on. The ability for an object to 'fly off of the machine that made it' essentially enables automated clearing of the processed build volume. The technology can also be used for testing the AM machine or the feedstock material by successively fabricating prototypes of the manufactured object, and taking measurements from sensors as the actuator strikes the prototype. This provides automated testing for quality control, machine calibration, material origins, and counterfeit detection.