SmallSat Common Electronics Board (SCEB) Complement Board Design: Memory Card

SmallSat Common Electronics Board (SCEB) Complement Board Design: Memory Card (GSC-TOPS-232)
Provides future small satellites with a memory card design that may hold upto 96 GB of NAND Flash Memory.
Long term space missions require the use of equipment with expensive radiation tolerant and highly screened parts. However, many missions are designed for shorter lifespans that occur in lower orbits. Increasingly, small satellites are being designed to accomplish missions faster, cheaper, and better than previous large-scale missions. It is desirable for these small satellites to utilize off the shelf components in order to reduce costs.

The Technology
The innovation is a miniaturized memory board that will have up to 96 GB of NAND Flash memory along with either a radiation tolerant FPGA or a set of three commercial FPGAs. The memory board is designed to interface with the standard subsystems of Goddards Modular SmallSat Architecture (GMSA). While previous memory cards are larger, this one is designed to fit within a 1U form factor.
Spacecube in pieces.
  • Miniature form factor
  • Hold upto 96 GB of NAND Flash Memory
  • Interfaces with e Goddard Modular SmallSat Architecture

  • Small satellites
Technology Details

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