Application of Leading Edge Serration and Trailing Edge Foam for Undercarriage Wheel Cavity Noise Reduction

Application of Leading Edge Serration and Trailing Edge Foam for Undercarriage Wheel Cavity Noise Reduction (LAR-TOPS-287)
Flight tests show significant promise for new noise reduction techniques
The Acoustic Research Measurement (ARM) flights at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center in the US, tested technology to address airframe noise, or noise that is produced by non-propulsive parts of the aircraft, during landing. The flights successfully combined several technologies to achieve a greater than 70 per cent reduction in airframe noise.

The Technology
Among the tests, landing gear cavities, a known cause of airframe noise, were evaluated. These are the regions where the landing gear deploys from the main body of an aircraft, typically leaving a large cavity where airflow can get pulled in, creating noise. NASA applied two concepts to these sections, including a series of chevrons placed near the front of the cavity with a sound-absorbing foam at the trailing wall, as well as a net that stretched across the opening of the main landing gear cavity. This altered the airflow and reduced the noise resulting from the interactions between the air, the cavity walls, and its edges.
Simulated vorticity field generated by flow past a full-scale Gulfstream aircraft in landing configuration Frontal View of serration/foam concept with serrations at the leading edge of the gear cavity. Image Credit: NASA
  • The design and materials are lightweight, low cost, and easily adaptable to new designs
  • Requires virtually no maintenance and is not flight critical
  • Easy to inspect and to change out
  • Impressive reductions in aircraft noise during landing

  • Especially suited to commercial and business jet aircraft
Technology Details

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real-time sonic boom display, jet,
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Open rotor
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Infrasound Sensor Technology
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Noisy helicopter in flight
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