Combined Pressure and Temperature Sensor for Hot Harsh Environments
Combined Pressure and Temperature Sensor for Hot Harsh Environments (LEW-TOPS-156)
Enables Real-time Pressure Measurements, Corrected for Temperature Effects
Accurate and reliable pressure data is fundamental for monitoring engine health for the safe and efficient operation of high performance engines. Innovators at NASA's Glenn Research Center have developed a single pressure and temperature sensor system that provides in-situ data in harsh operating environments like combustion. Although current SiC pressure sensors can operate at 800°C inside combustion chambers, the output response is sensitive to temperature changes and requires temperature compensation schemes that rely on a second separate temperature sensor to get a true measure of pressure. The new NASA pressure/temperature (P/T) sensor chip enables real-time translation of pressure and uses only a single tap for two engine measurements. This important sensor system and packaging can provide more accurate data for combustion simulations and to monitor engine health to improve performance and extend the service lifetime of commercial and military aircraft, automotive engines, and power plants.
The Technology
A team of NASA Glenn researchers has developed a portfolio of SiC-enabled electronics and sensors. SiC's ability to function in harsh environments—high-temperature, high-power, high radiation—enables much better performance in many combustion applications. Building on their successful and miniaturized SiC pressure sensor package, the team added a resistance temperature detector (RTD) to the same chip. Having both sensors on a single SiC substrate facilitates the simultaneous measurement of pressure and temperature. The integrated P/T sensors are fabricated with a prescribed sequence of photo lithography and reactive ion etching fabrication steps to create patterns and structures and deposit RTD elements and other layers. Designed to monitor jet engine health, this P/T sensor can be placed directly on the engine, close to the combustion source, for highly accurate, real-time data analysis. As shown in the figures below, the sensor has been tested and characterized for long-term high-temperature stability and response. The data prove that the sensor’s performance is repeatable, with negligible hysteresis. Compared to conventional silicon piezoresistive sensors, this new sensor is more viable in high-temperature environments.

- Direct measurement eliminates the need for lookup tables or temperature compensation techniques.
- Simultaneous on-chip measurement of pressure and temperature improves accurate correlation of results.
- Real-time translation of pressure as function of temperature has been demonstrated to 800°C.
- Use of a single sensorreduces production and assembly costs, and eases path toward IC integration.
- Small footprint allows use of the same pressure tap for both sensors, as opposed to separate taps.
- Nuclear power: monitors pressure at high temperature
- Aircraft: monitors engine health to control safety and optimize combustion efficiency
- Aerospace: enables feedback control to watch for thermo-acoustic instabilities
- Engine Simulations (general): provides data to validate computational fluid dynamic codes used in engine model prediction
Similar Results

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Capacitive Pressure Sensor System and Packaging
Pressure sensors play an important role in engine maintenance and monitoring systems by diagnosing problems before they happen. To capture the most accurate data, however, these sensors must be placed directly on an engine. In order to withstand extreme temperature and vibration, traditional pressure sensor technologies are bulky and complex, lacking the on-board control of microsystem technologies. Glenn's new capacitive pressure sensor system and packaging is the first of its kind to achieve high-temperature capability while maintaining miniaturization.
This novel system consists of a Clapp-type oscillator that is fabricated on a high temperature alumina substrate. It comprises a silicon carbide (SiC) nitride pressure sensor, a metal-semiconductor field-effect transistor, and one or more chip resistors, wire-wound inductors, and SiC metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors. The pressure sensor is located in the tank circuit of the oscillator so that a variation in pressure causes a change in capacitance, thus altering the resonant frequency of the sensing system. The chip resistors, inductors, and MIM capacitors have been characterized at temperature and operational frequency, and exhibit less than 5% variance in electrical performance. The system, which can be installed with a borescope plug adaptor in an on-wing operating engine, has been extensively tested and proven to operate reliably under extreme conditions. Its compact size, wireless capability, and ability to provide real-time in-situ data acquisition make this technology a game-changer in next-generation maintenance and monitoring systems.

Packaging for SiC Sensors and Electronics
Prior approaches to bonding a SiC sensor and a SiC cover member relied on either electrostatic bonding or direct bonding using glass frits. The problem with the former is that its relatively weak bond strength may lead to debonding during thermal cycling, while the latter requires the creation of apertures that can allow sealant to leak. Glenn's innovation uses NASA's microelectromechanical system direct chip attach (MEMS-DCA) technology that can be bulk-manufactured to reduce sensor costs. The MEMS-DCA process allows a direct connection to be made between chip and pins, thereby eliminating wire bonding. Sensors and electronics are attached in a single-stage process to a multifunctional package, which, unlike previous systems, can be directly inserted into the housing. Additional thick pins within the electrical outlet allow the package to be connected to external circuitry. Furthermore, because the top and bottom substrates' thermomechanical properties are similar to that of the sensors, the problem of mismatch in the coefficient of thermal expansion is significantly reduced, minimizing thermal cycling and component fatigue. By protecting sensors and electronics in temperatures up to 600°C, approximately twice what has previously been achievable, Glenn's innovation enables SiC components to realize one of their most exciting possibilities - direct placement within high-temperature environments.

SiC-Based Microstructures for Sensors
Glenn's invention is game-changing in its ability to produce ultra-thin SiC-based microstructures and diaphragms that are essential for high-sensitivity pressure sensors that not only monitor engines but can also act as biosensors (monitoring bone density or brain pressure). DSRIE offers selective etching that reliably isolates conductive microstructures from the bulk material and has precision-etch control that minimizes yield loss due to manufacturing defects. Therefore, the thickness of structures, such as diaphragms, can be ultra-thin and selectively realized during dopant reactive ion etching. The ultra-thin diaphragm is a key enabler for Glenn's novel pressure sensor that can measure at low pressures in the sub-psi range.
Until now, batch fabrication of SiC sensors has been hindered by the fact that only one type of sensor per wafer could be produced at a time. Given the expense of fabrication, this limitation has greatly reduced the commercial viability of SiC sensors and electronics. Glenn's batch fabrication offers manufacturers the opportunity to simultaneously produce multiple multifunctional MEMS/NEMS products on a single SiC wafer. Such products include flow sensors, pressure sensors, biosensors, accelerometers, inertial sensors, angular rate sensors, and yaw rate sensors. By simplifying production, reducing capital equipment, and lowering production costs, Glenn's novel process makes the use of SiC-based MEMS/NEMS in sensors and electronics much more practical and attainable for countless industries.

Robust High Temperature SiC Op Amps Practical Fabrication
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